Mody Company Creative
Tom Mody
56 West Main
Norwich NY 13815
607-336-6233 /ph
Golfball Speed and Distance
Golf Ball Speed
Golf ball speed is a great tool for training in swing consistency. Like in tennis and hockey, the club head motion can trigger the radar unit to a false read. Setting the radar gun low cut filters to only read speeds above 50 MPH is a great way to eliminate that problem. Radar gun placement is also a concern . The unit must be set low to the ground on a slight angle up to fully capture the true line of the ball.
Distance - The Driving Range in a Cage
We have 2 diferent units for timing golf ball distance allowing you to have a driving range within a minimum 10' cage. An excellent proposition for promotions, tournaments or income opportunities.
Stalker 3 Digit System
Older Stalker 3 digit external displays have a distance measurement setting, When set to yards the 3 digit external display will calculate golf ball distance while the radar unit reads it's speed. This system allows the radar gun to be set behind the cage or behind the participant. However, if the gun is behind the cage the attendant will not be able to see the radar speed on the back of the gun. Stalker does not make this external display any more so these systems are extremely rare.
Zelocity Pure Flight 3 Digit System
This unit sets behind the golfer low to the ground to calculate golf ball distance on the external display. The unit can also handle other golf features like swing speed. Zelocity does not make the external display any more so these systems are extremely rare.